
Sunday 19 August 2018

Jodhpur Art Gallery - Paintings, Drawings, Sketches in Jodhpur by Akshay Kumar

Jodhpur is a city / district in the Indian state of Rajasthan. Jodhpur is famous worldwide for its arts and crafts. The handicrafts made in jodhpur are very beautiful and are exported all ver the world. There are many manufacturers and exporters of handicraft items in jodhpur. The arts and crafts business also provide employment to a significant amount of people in jodhpur.

These arts include wooden handicrafts, metal crafts, jodhpur paintings, products made with nylon thread etc.

The love of Jodhpur people for art can be seen by the increasing number of hobby classes in jodhpur. These hobby classes are for paintings, drawings , sketching etc not only for kids but also for adults.

I too get many requests from jodhpur for pencil drawings on my facebook page and profile. This shows their love for the visual art.

Here are some of the drawings and sketches of people from jodhpur. These drawings are made with HB and 6B pencils on 8×12 Drawing Paper. Details about each Portrait has been given in separate posts.

Jodhpur Drawing Abhay Kumar


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